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- Sudoku
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Sudoku Example 3x3 GridSudoku is the highly addictive puzzle game with only one rule: place the numbers from 1 to 9 in each column, each row, and each 3x3 box. We have a selection of puzzles (and their solutions) available for you: easy, medium, and hard - depending on how good you are in playing the puzzle. If you are new to playing the game - then check out our basic step by step guide to playing.

Daily Play
Try a new puzzle each and every day - the final solutions are published the following day, just in case you get tempted to look at the answer. These puzzles vary in difficulty every day. Play the Daily Play Puzzle

Easy Puzzles
New to the game, or just fancy an easy game - then try these Sudoku puzzles. Try an Easy Puzzle

Medium Puzzles
These puzzles are more of a challenge, and will require a little more thinking than the easy ones. Try a Medium Puzzle

Hard Puzzles
The ultimate Sudoku challenge is here - these are the toughest puzzles around - so get ready to think about those numbers! Try a Hard Puzzle

Buy Sudoku Books
If you enjoyed this puzzle, try new puzzles in one of these books;
The Sudoku Book: An Introduction to Su Doku with 101 Puzzles
The Sudoku Book: 101 Devilishly Difficult Puzzles with Target Times
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